Terms & Conditions
LESS membership
*To become a member you have to be a student and you have to be a member of Studentlund.
**The cost of being a member of LESS is 50 SEK per semster!
*You need to be a member of Lunds Extremsportarsällskap and the facebook group LESS Members to join our events. You can become a member here.
**Please note that the sign up and payment is binding, and no refunds will be made due to for example sickness. If so, please send LESS a message on Facebook or email us at lundsextremsportarsallskap@gmail.com, and we will try to help you find a reserve that wants to buy your spot.
*** Insurance: Please note that all activities will be done at your own risk. LESS will not be liable for any injuries.
Lunds Extremsportarsällskap is an association under Akademiska föreningen (AF).